| How Do We See Ourselves? How do we see ourselves? Are we worthy of forgiveness? And how does this affect healing? |
 | Hopelessness, Depression, Fear We have been asked to address hopelessness, depression, fear, anxiety, worry, stress, grief related to death or loss, and more. |
 | What the Bible Says about Health We've been asked to address the topic of health. |
 | Addressing Fires, Hurricanes, and Anger There has been a lot of concern about the fires and hurricanes. There have also been questions about anger. We are going to address these together. |
 | Healing Family Tension How do we heal family tension? |
 | Good Decisions How can we make good decisions? This is a topic we've been asked to address. |
 | Unfaithful Partners We have been asked to address the topics of unfaithful partners and repeated cheating. |
 | Employment Some of you have asked us to address employment. There are so many different aspects of employment, so we'll just begin this way.
 | Helping a Friend I have a friend who is having a hard time on her home life, and I don't know what to do? |
 | Helping Children Who Feel Powerless How do we help children who are feeling powerless? Can the Scriptures speak life to them? |
 | Handling Grief How do you handle and even heal grief? |
 | How Do We Love Our Enemies? How do we love our enemies? This is a topic we've been asked to examine, and we believe that loving our enemies starts at home. |
 | Safety - How Can We Protect Ourselves Safety is a major concern in today's climate with violence and disasters of all kinds. So how do we stay safe? What can we do to protect ourselves and our loved ones? |
 | What Does Love Our Enemies Mean? What does it mean to love your enemies? How does this look in modern life? |
 | Why Love Our Enemies? Why should we love our enemies? |
 | Medical Emergency Can we trust God to help us in an emergency, even a medical emergency? |
 | Relieving Stress Are there any Bible stories about calming people or relieving stress? |
 | What Does the Bible Say About Lying? God said we should not lie, but Abraham lied about his wife Sarah on two different occasions in Genesis. God defends him on both occasions and doesn't even rebuke him. Also, Isaac lies about Rebekah, his wife, and God doesn't rebuke him either. What can you say about these instances; why doesn't God rebuke them? Thanks. |
 | A Question About Marriage According to the New Testament, is it better to be single or married? (1 Cor. 7:25-40) |
 | Should We Give to Those Who Take In Luke 6:30, we read, "Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back." Should we give to someone who is a taker, or who takes advantage of people? |
 | BCE or BC, CE or AD? Why do you use BCE instead of BC and CE instead of AD? Are you trying to minimize Jesus' life and message? |
 | Divisiveness in Politics How do we handle the divisiveness and bitterness in politics? Can the Bible help? |
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