| Be Grateful for the You God Made Do we sometimes forget to be grateful for ourselves? God made us, too! |
 | Hear the Christmas Message "Whoever has ears, let them hear!" Are we hearing-understanding with our heart-the message that Jesus came to share? |
 | Be Grateful for You You are God's beloved child. This Thanksgiving, be grateful for the wonderful you God made. Learn to love yourself as God loves you. |
 | Be A Rebel: Be You! We often try to fit in with others and spend a considerable amount of time worrying about not being popular. Jesus and Paul were two people that were unequivocally not in the popular crowd. They didn't worry too much. Take their lead and be yourself. |
 | Do-Over! Everyone wants a second chance, and all it takes is a change in thought. If we stopped worrying about the situation or the mistakes we've made and focus on God, we will feel the instantaneous change in our thought, which will be reflected in our lives. |
 | Where Do I Belong? With God! We all want to belong and fit in, but what do we want to belong to? We should select the groups we associate with based on morals, not social standing. |
 | Independence: Your Divine Right – Claim it! Independence means more than just attaining sole possession of our body and thoughts. Independence is the ability to act to our full potential without being limited. Our faith in God grants us the greatest independence, because it eliminates all limitations. |
 | What's Your Purpose? When we seek to find a purpose in our lives, we are missing the most fundamental fact about being children of God: our purpose is to express love. No matter what we do in life, as long as we love, we are fulfilling our purpose. |
 | Criticism's Antidote When We're Criticized', explains how to handle critical attacks and constructive criticism. Just as important as knowing how to take criticism is remembering not to dish it out ourselves! |
 | When We're Criticized... Criticism can be both positive and negative. While positive criticism can help us grow, negative criticism can make us doubt ourselves. Choose carefully, through spiritual listening, which criticism you choose to acknowledge and which you choose to dismiss. |
 | I Love Who I Am Who are you? As humans, we were made in God's image. We reflect his love and can be nothing short of great. You are God's child. |
 | Eliminating Labels – Taking Off the Masks On a daily basis we put labels on everything, which can be helpful to organize objects. However, when we apply labels to people, we not only limit those people, but we also put limitations on God. |
 | Choose Freedom Gaining a sense of freedom and independence can be a tough battle. Fortunately, the battle is a whole lot simpler when you realize that freedom is not a physical condition, but a mental state. Moreover, God is always willing to help you get there. |
 | Body and Weight We often think counting calories, worrying about our weight, and slaving away at the gym will help us find satisfaction in our appearances, only to be disappointed. Read on to learn why you should focus less on your weight and more on God. |